Hi! Yes, it has been a very long time since my last post but I am making a comeback everyone!! Since I have last written I am going to sum up our life.....let's see.....hmmmm....
wake up
get to school (jen is usually late)
teach (patrick does more of this)
eat an extremely short lunch ( 30 minutes)
teach some more
leave as fast as I can (patrick tutors or works really hard)
get home
look at the laundry and decide to let it sit there another day
work out??? (sometimes)
talk about our day ( for me it takes 45 min, for Patrick about 5)
eat dinner
eat dessert ( I am addicted to dessert)
watch law and order svu- but we have seen most of these
go to bed
start again
On the weekends we have been sleeping in because we are so tired! Teachers will understand that in April and May you start to go insane and live in complete exhaustion pretty much all the time. We are counting down the days until graduation. (yes- we work graduation and wear robes and sit with the kids...it's fun!) I have been making cards and eating peanut butter m&m's...that is pretty much our weekends! This weekend I am meeting up with my college roomies to have a girls weekend in Tyler. I am so excited. Patrick will be all alone and I am sure he will find something to do. We also went to Canton last weekend which was an experience! I wish I would have had my camera...so many interesting things to see and people to meet. Canton is great if you haven't been!!! It is a must! East Texans are awesome! ( I am one so I can say that)
Ok...back to the real event! Last night we went to a Ranger's game and had a blast! First of all, the real reason we went wasn't because of the Rangers (even though I grew up loving them and had a HUGE crush on Pudge Rodriguez and was crushed that he was married and didn't speak my language) Anyway, the real reason we went was because my good friend Robin was recognized on the jumbo tron as her school's teacher of the year!!! Yay Robin...keep on teachin girl! (that was something my mom would say) (mom- that wasn't an insult- it is a complement I am turning into you! I promise!) So, we went to the game to see Robin get announced on the "tron" and took a few wrong turns and ended up missing the big sha bang! I'm sorry Robin!! I can only imagine that you looked amazing on the jumbo tron getting your honor. We did however get to the stadium and hung out with some good friends who we haven't seen in awhile.
The game was super fun- I didn't watch much of it but I did get to experience the best part.....the amazing food!!! Yum! It was like the fair all over again. I love fair food and game food is right underneath it. I started off trying to be healthy and brought smart pop popcorn in my bag so I wouldn't be tempted to eat sweets...but it all went down the tubes when I walked in the park and got my first whiff of garlic fries. It was over! So I decided that chicken fingers, waffle fries, garlic fries, and a huge sundae would be the healthy option. It was so good and I ate every last bite. I didn't have the fried cheesecake like I did at the fair but that's ok....I will cut the vendors some slack.
Ok....I will post some pics now. Me, Patrick and V ( my sis) had a great time!!!
We love hanging out with Jayden! He had so much fun!!
Yes...Patrick got his glasses at Canton...they have everything...get yourself there people!!
After the game we had a little mishap...we ended up having a flat tire on wonderful Hwy 360. My first time to ever be on the Hwy 360 and I got to see the shoulder for quite awhile. We pulled over and Patrick saved the day by changing the tire while V and I stayed in the car. It was a little stressful but all was well when we finally found that missing part that rolled onto the shoulder. Tricky little thing! (Patrick found it- I cannot take credit for anything) He put on the spare and we rolled slowly (not over 50 mph of course) back into Dallas about 11:30 pm. We went to Sears today after school and apparently it takes 3 hours to change a tire so we walked around Town East Mall. It is so weird to see students outside school. They stare at you like you are an alien and you shouldn't have a life except teaching. We laughed alot and finally got our tire and went home.
Well, that is the Haney update. So sorry for any mispelled words. I realized tonight that my spelling is getting worse. I spelled two words wrong at foundation group tonight. I mean- who says "faithe" isn't a word??
Good night all!!